Hello, my name is Elwin Hulscher. In the past 15 years I was involved in the international teams of two Floriade events, hosted over 120 incoming business delegations in the Netherlands and organized several business missions abroad. During this period I have built up a large international network of government, eduactional and business contacts in the Netherlands and abroad. I am ready to (re)connect. This year I will organize several networking events and trade missions in the Netherlands. I am looking forward to host you on one or more of these occassions. Hope to see/meet you soon!
Elwin Hulscher – CEO of A-Z Netherlands Business Hub

Join The Kick-Off event on 25th of March 2025 – info and registration
A-Z Netherlands Business Hub is the independent Knowledge and Innovation broker where (inter)national stakeholders, such as businesses, government and knowledge institutions, are brought into contact with relevant contacts in the Netherlands and the rest of the World.
What does “A-Z” stand for? Everything from A to Z. From Albania to Zambia, from Agrifood to Water management and all in between. Through our extensive network of partners and senior experts, we have access to the right partners you may be looking for.
We are ready to support you with your international growth plans. The A-Z Netherlands Business Hub team maintains close contacts with government representatives at Embassies and Ministries, but also at provincial and local level. In addition, there is contact with (technical) universities, colleges, knowledge campuses, multinationals, SME companies, business communities, Economic Boards and economic development agencies.
العربية | Azərbaycanca | български |
Čeština | 中文 | Deutsch |
Español | Français | ελληνικά |
Hindi | Indonesia | Italiano |
日本語 | 한국어 | Nederlands |
Polski | Português | Русский |
Română | Slovenčina | Svenska |
Türkçe |

Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Hub website has moved. Visit here